
Dennis M.Robles MFT

Counseling, Psychotherapy, Consultation, and Psychoeducation. 

I incorporate all four of these domains in my work.  Depending on the person(s), the issue, and the situation. one or more of these domains may be more dominant than the others.   

The origin of the word “counsel” is advice. Counseling is advising, pointing toward a direction. Counseling issues are usually relational and systemic.  It is important to note that I do not give advice, per se.  I help people explore options and process their thoughts and feelings about the issues they are grappling with.  

A common example of persons seeking counsel is someone trying to decide to stay or leave a relationship or stay at a job.  In making a decision, they seek ongoing support as they follow through on their plan until its completion.  

Another example is parenting, where a parent seeks guidance in working with a new and difficult situation.  In my practice, this has manifested when a child has been recently diagnosed with ADHD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  Another situation involved a suicide attempt by a teen whose parents had no inkling of such a possibility.    

Psychotherapy is derived from “therapy” and “psyche,” or healing of the soul in its original meaning. Psychotherapy is the means to heal what ails a person, and this includes the emotional as well as the mind, for the mind is affected by emotions. Still, I don’t want to separate the two as emotions and mental functioning are interwoven. Previous philosophers have made the error of separating the two, the rational vs. the emotional( At another point, I will address “feelings” and how they are the vehicle for understanding and change.).

Heuristically, psychotherapy’s focus is on the preoccupations of the mind that have manifested in symptoms or conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, distraction, and addictive behaviors, to name a few. At the same time, counseling focuses on direction, orientation, and planning and is not mutually exclusive from psychotherapy and vice versa. 

Consultation is usually manifested in discussion, mediation, and dialogue about particular themes and issues that someone seeks more knowledge or perspective on to develop a plan or make a decision. Often people seek consultation because they feel stuck and want to address their issues out loud to execute a plan or decision.  

Psychoeducation is learning about the conditions or maladies one is grappling with and utilizing widely available resources.  We are living in a wonderful era where there are many resources available on the internet and digital applications. I frequently encourage people to research what is addressed in the sessions, not just take my word for whatever ideas or opinions I may have.  I also refer people to sites that are well-written, researched, and organized on cogent topics. 

I am a big proponent of people learning meditation or breathing and relaxation techniques to address increased arousal levels. that accompany the psychological and social problems people are experiencing.  Insight into a problem is never enough for change!

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